By Lioneisy Savon.
I'll tell you the emblematic story of the Cubano abroad.
Usually, the Cubano has in its DNA, one theatrically dramatic side, and when he comes out of his country, he tends to speak ill, of Cuba, saying that there is hunger, they are mistreated, no one is free and that there is dictatorship... And yet, that there aren't clothes, they live badly, they cannot talk too much of what happens in the country, or they are imprisoned... And yet, that Fidel is a killer who has sent to death, a group of people, only because they were against the system... The Cubano makes of everything a drama, he violates souls and hearts but then at the end... it is a whole pathetic strategy, as though a very good one...they are all lies, as though well-told ones. At the end, when the prey falls in their trap, the Cubano begins to say. "You know, I do not have money, life is hard here...". And when he gets what he wants, he goes immediately to drink beer, or in Disco, because only this way he feels satisfied.
Then, however, when he hears the word of Fidel, his heart begins to fly to 100, for the emotion and pride... Pity that outside, those pride and emotion, are not shown at all, because usually, the Cubano is emotionally coward, he is afraid to openly show what he feels. What he hides abroad with so much care is his sense of belonging to the Cuban community, the sense of his homeland, the immense love for its unique and beautiful island, a flower born among the pain of a strong and united people, who have had the courage to defend their ideas to any price.
The Cubano abroad knows that he has a dirty conscience but he cohabits with this deep and tremendous feeling, keeping it well hidden inside. It is a huge remorse which doesn't give him peace, so that, to be able to hide it, and to succeed better in his maskerade, he needs to talk badly again about Cuba and Fidel. And so his remorse increases, the vicious circle is closing. In fact, deep in his heart, he wishes only to go back to his island, but he cannot... And this is the harsh truth, it is what really hurt him. He knows that there isn't rose without thorns, he regrets its unique and irreplaceable beauty. Nobody sees when in the night he goes to bed and remember the past. How many tears fall on his face, how much nostalgia! But he knows that it is late to go back. Fault of his lies, of its ambition to become rich, to live a different life which not belongs to him... Now he realizes it... What a shame! Is this is what he collected?
There are many Cubans who badly live abroad. For example, the graduation diploms they achieved in homeland often are not recognised in many European countries. Cuba is blocked 360 degrees, isolated from each side, from the air and sea. Many cuban expatriated women consider themselves lucky if they succeed to get an humble and honest job, as domestic caretakers, to be slave of others just to get themselves the daily food. Also, in the bottom of their heart, they are sorry of their outgoing and of conspiring against their country. But we know, Cubanos could sell even their mother for a little money!
Cubanos speculators, servants of the world and not of their own country! Why don't we want to finally realize that they are using us only to make war to Cuba and to its uncomfortable – because accomplished! - ideal of society? Otherwise there would be no Cubanos to live in any foreign country. We let them treat us as marionettes... Shame! What have served the lessons that we were given our bigs, from Fidel to El Ché, from Camilo Cienfuegos to Josè Martì?! Oh my God, what a sadness!
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